How Often Should You Change Your HVAC Filter?
Changing your building’s HVAC filter might seem like a small detail, but if you neglect to track and schedule this important step in your building’s maintenance plan it may lead to costly downtime.
Continuum Services Named Construction Manager for Redevelopment of Old Lansing State Journal Facility in Eaton County
Eaton County Treasurer, Bob Robinson, announced the redevelopment of the old Lansing State Journal facility under PACE.
The Importance of Infrared Thermometry
Fall is weeks away and in Michigan that means winter is just around the corner. During the cold winter months, it is especially important to keep your business operating efficiently. Maintaining electrical panels and equipment is often overlooked because these areas have no moving parts. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t fail. When failures occur, […]
5 Reasons You Should Invest in Energy Efficient LED Lighting
Maybe you’ve heard that LED lighting is the wave (pun intended) of the future. You may have also heard that LED lighting is expensive. While upfront costs may be higher than what you’re using now, in the long run, LEDs come out ahead in several areas. Here we’ll provide five solid reasons your facility should […]
Hot Weather Guide for Your Business
As we prepare for rising temperatures nearing 90 degrees in the upcoming days, Consumer’s Energy has released tips that can help you manage your business’ energy use. Use this hot weather guide to keep your business running efficiently while maintaining a comfortable environment for your employees and customers. Energy Saving Tips for Summer Efficiency […]
What to Know Before Starting an LED Conversion or Retrofit
For building and facility owners and property managers looking to increase the value of commercial properties, it’s important to consider different options that will hold value over time, decrease costs associated with maintenance, and conserve on energy. One tool to accomplish these goals is an LED retrofit. The lighting setup in any commercial property (large […]
How the 1-100 ENERGY STAR Score is Calculated
Continuum Services announced last month One Kennedy Square in Detroit and Two Towne Square and American Center in Southfield earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ENERGY STAR certification, which signifies that the building performs in the top 25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency and meets strict energy efficiency performance levels set by […]
Water Rates Rise- Best Practices for Cooling Towers
Water and wastewater costs have risen at a phenomenal rate over the last six years. At the same time, the cost of electricity has stabilized, and in some areas actually decreased slightly. In the past, conventional chilled water/cooling tower air conditioning was the norm for large facilities. With all the new concern with Legionella, the […]
2016 ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings
Continuum Services is proud to announce One Kennedy Square in Detroit and Two Towne Square and American Center in Southfield have earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ENERGY STAR certification, which signifies that the building performs in the top 25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency and meets strict energy efficiency performance […]
Taking Advantage of Outside Air to Reduce HVAC Costs
Reduce HVAC Costs Depending on local climate and the amount of air being re-circulated in a building, conditioning outside air may account for a significant portion of cooling load. Spaces that can hold many people at one time such as a theater or auditorium and those that cannot recirculate air due to tasks being performed […]