5 Tips for Selecting an HVAC Contractor
When installing or replacing an HVAC system at your building, who you hire is crucial. Many things should be taken into consideration including energy consumption, performance and environmental concerns.
HVAC Spring Start-Up
As winter turns to spring, it’s crucial to hire a HVAC professional to service your system. An HVAC system is responsible for a significant proportion of the total energy use within a facility.
4 Tips for Preparing Your HVAC System for Winter
With summer almost behind us and fall approaching quickly, it’s time to think about preparing your HVAC system for the cooler months. As temperatures drop, you can run into problems if you don’t prep your HVAC system – even if you have the most dependable equipment.
How Often Should You Change Your HVAC Filter?
Changing your building’s HVAC filter might seem like a small detail, but if you neglect to track and schedule this important step in your building’s maintenance plan it may lead to costly downtime.
4 Reasons to Consider a Career in HVAC
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) field is diverse and offers a multitude of job opportunities. The good news is, HVAC careers are always in demand.
Continuum Solutions for Indoor Cannabis Grow Facilities
When it comes to growing cannabis, having an HVAC system is one of the most important components to the success of your growth. HVAC systems have the ability to regulate temperature, humidity, air quality, airflow, provide ventilation and more. It’s critical to have multiple disciplines work together to maintain optimal conditions, each performing at its […]
Continuum partners with AtmosAir Solutions
Continuum Services and All City Mechanical and Refrigeration partners with AtmosAir Solutions to Support Businesses in Providing Clean Air Farmington Hills, MI, April 14, 2021- Continuum Services, an innovative leader within the facility services and building maintenance industry and its subsidiary company, All City Mechanical and Refrigeration, has partnered with AtmosAir Solutions, an indoor […]
Continuum’s Plan for Reoccupying Buildings
At Continuum, keeping our clients and employees healthy and safe is our top priority. Check out our HVAC and Air Quality Safety Plan for Reoccupying Buildings.
Replace or Repair—Boiler 101
Heating season is among us, which means you need to know your facility’s boilers are ready and reliable for the winter season. Boilers and water heaters have finite service lives. They will eventually require replacement or repair, even with comprehensive maintenance.
Hot Weather Guide for Your Business
As we prepare for rising temperatures nearing 90 degrees in the upcoming days, Consumer’s Energy has released tips that can help you manage your business’ energy use. Use this hot weather guide to keep your business running efficiently while maintaining a comfortable environment for your employees and customers. Energy Saving Tips for Summer Efficiency […]