July 21, 2016

Hot Weather Guide for Your Business



As we prepare for rising temperatures nearing 90 degrees in the upcoming days, Consumer’s Energy has released tips that can help you manage your business’ energy use.

Use this hot weather guide to keep your business running efficiently while maintaining a comfortable environment for your employees and customers.

Energy Saving Tips for Summer Efficiency
Make sure your air conditioning unit is installed in a shady area
Replace (or clean) air conditioning filters regularly
Keep the coils clean on your air conditioner and see savings of up to 15%
Use ceiling fans to keep the air moving. Ceiling fans can reduce energy use during both heating and cooling seasons
Install drapes, shutters or window film to prevent unwanted heat loss and heat gain
Keep furniture from blocking registers and vents
Keep your thermostat set at 78‑80°F when the building is occupied and 85°F when it is not
Inspect and repair worn or cracked caulking and weather stripping on all doors, windows and any areas where leakage could occur
Install a programmable thermostat to control your HVAC system more efficiently
Install and/or use locking devices on your thermostat to maintain efficient settings
Don’t cool unused areas. Close doors and vents to reduce energy use