Top 5 Reasons Why Dormant Winter Pruning is Essential
Winter pruning is an essential component of landscape maintenance. Pruning is the process of cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems to promote healthy plant growth.
5 Winter Landscaping Tips
The winter months can be challenging for property managers. With the snow, ice and salt it can be hard to keep your property looking clean and bright. Here are a few tips to look great this season. 1. Remember to Water During winter, we often neglect to water our grass and shrubs. Although you do […]
Harriet McPhail: 2021 Rock Star Custodian Finalist
You can tell the true measure of a person by how they handle themselves in an emergency. During an evacuation at Kennedy Square that blocked the street, Harriet McPhail, the building’s Senior Day Porter, calmly and efficiently guided tenants to their specified areas. Grace under pressure is just one of the many defining traits that […]
4 Tips for Preparing Your HVAC System for Winter
With summer almost behind us and fall approaching quickly, it’s time to think about preparing your HVAC system for the cooler months. As temperatures drop, you can run into problems if you don’t prep your HVAC system – even if you have the most dependable equipment.
The Importance of the Day Porter
COVID-19 has elevated the awareness on the importance of proper cleaning and disinfecting. Day Porters work not only to support the image of your facility, but to respond to the immediate needs throughout the day.
It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking About Snow Removal
We know what you’re thinking, it’s September, the last thing anyone wants to be thinking about right now is snow removal. But what happens when we get that unexpected early season snow storm and you have a parking lot full of snow?
Air Quality Solutions
Most people spend up to 90% of their time indoors. That is why Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is so vital to the health and safety for those working or visiting a business, school, entertainment venue or health care facility. As buildings become more energy-efficient, airflow is usually decreased. If a building is not equipped to […]
What is Epoxy Lining and How Does it Work?
Polyvinyl chloride, commonly referred to as PVC piping, wasn’t introduced to the U.S. until 1952. That means many older buildings and homes have cast iron piping and drains and clay drain tiles installed. Over time, the material starts to corrode and you wind up with leaks. Those leaks turn into damaged walls, and suddenly you’re […]
Certified Business Partner Program
Grow Your Business Are you a growing landscape maintenance and snow removal company and struggling to find the time to sell new work? Consider joining the Continuum Certified Business Partner Team and we will do the selling for you! We service retail, business centers, light industrial and HOA locations throughout the greater Detroit area. Benefits: […]
6 Reasons to Consider a Career in the Plumbing Industry
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…it’s a great time to get a job in the trades, more specifically the plumbing industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters are projected to grow by 16% in the next seven years.