The winter months can be challenging for property managers. With the snow, ice and salt it can be hard to keep your property looking clean and bright. Here are a few tips to look great this season.
Remember to Water
During winter, we often neglect to water our grass and shrubs. Although you do not need to water them as much as you do during the spring and summer months, plants still need to keep hydrated even in the winter or else they are more susceptible to disease. The best time to water is when temperatures are above 40 ° F., when the soil is dry and when the sunlight is bright. This will also help protect your plants against salt.
Winterizing Sprinkler Systems is Key
Every year businesses experience bursting pipes when freezing weather rolls around. Be sure to have your property’s sprinkler systems winterized to avoid major and expensive problems. If this has fallen off your radar, reserve the next weather-permitting day (above freezing temperatures) to get this done.
Use Lighting Displays and Planters
Tis the season for good tidings, celebrations, holiday decor and beautiful light displays. Outdoor lighting displays are beautiful in the winter and can set your business part from others, even past the holiday season. Lighting up walkways and adding color to your shrubs can bring a special touch to your landscaping.
Winter planters can provide some of the most brilliant décor. Adding a touch of fresh greenery in planters can give your property a pop of color that we long for in the winter
Winter Pruning
Winter pruning is an essential component of plant maintenance. Pruning is the process of cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems to promote healthy growth. It has many benefits to your landscaping, including encouraging flowering, shaping plants, removing diseased wood, promoting larger harvests and more. Winter pruning helps to reduce the size of plants, can make a landscape new again and eliminate security issues.
Cover Your Shrubs and Thin-Barked Trees
To protect your shrubs and thin-barked trees from snow, ice and salt, cover them with a burlap wrap or shrub/tree shelter. Use a frame to avoid touching the shrub or tree with the burlap to provide the best protection. If the burlap becomes wet and freezes, while directly touching your shrub or tree, it can cause damage. We recommend extending the burlap all the way to the ground to retain as much heat as possible.
Continuum’s exterior services team is ready to assist you this winter.
We hold our team to the highest of standards, and are constantly conducting site quality assessments to make sure all of our properties are exceeding our customer’s expectations.
Continuum is able to remove crossing branches, dead or decaying wood and weak branch attachments; weak branch attachment is the leading cause of broken branches during windstorms.
Continuum can also stimulate a plant to produce a more dense growth pattern, or our team can thin a plant to control its growth without stimulating excessive new growth that may change the plant’s natural appearance or growth habit.